The Wisdom Frequency 432 Hz awakens your intuition, third eye, and spirituality. It connects you to your inner being. It cuts through illusions and helps you see yourself and your environment clearly. It raises your awareness and consciousness about the world around you. It awakens your physical senses as well as your psychic abilities enabling you to trust yourself in the decisions you make. It is an excellent frequency for inducing deep dreams. It helps you shed yourself of physical and emotional baggage and help you lead a life that is in alignment with your higher purpose.
Our Sound Crystals™ Healing Music is composed, performed and recorded for you with ultimate love by our award-winning master music makers here at Sound Crystals™.
Find a quiet place to meditate with your Sound Crystals™ and Sound Crystals Music™. Encourage the living matter in you to raise the frequency of your body and promote health, vitality and spiritual enhancement. Transform your brain and relieve mental, emotional, and physical suffering. Use our vibrations to retune the frequency of your mind, body, and soul to resonate optimally with the earth and the electromagnetic fields of the universe.
432 Hz: Inner Healing & Wisdom
Instant download of Sound Crystals 432 Hz: Inner Healing & Wisdom ©SoundCrystals™
Find a quiet place to meditate with your Sound Crystal and Sound Crystal music. Encourage the living matter in you to raise the frequency of your body and promote health, vitality and spiritual enhancement. Transform your brain and relieve mental, emotional, and physical suffering. Use our vibrations to retune the frequency of your mind, body, and soul to resonate optimally with the earth and the electromagnetic fields of the universe.